The Bedroom Yogi

Yogicity, A Made Up Word

From now on I am going to refer to Yogicity.  This is a new word that I have made up after eight years of practicing yoga in the sticks.   #yogicity barely exists on insta – it has been used 137 times in relation to yoga in a city.  Not the same. 

Yogicity for Lovers of Yoga

Here is the what mean by Yogicity.  It is related to being a yogi, someone that lives a life in a yogic way, yes, they do yoga but it’s more that this – a way of life (see definition of yogi here on the Yoga Basics blog if you aren’t clear on this). 

But in my context yogicity or yogic-ity means yogic things that we do collectively, as a noun. For example, egocentric people become egocentricity when categorised as a group by shared behaviour.   So yogicity is the description used when yogic behaviour is identified and described.  The city part is also conveniently related to the fact that a lot of yoci-city happens in cities where people (generally) have access to and greater inclination towards yoga and wellness.  True.

Stereotypical Yogi, as many around me in my current habitat (yoga in Wolverhampton) might view a Yogi

Yogicity Expanded

  • What are we doing when engaging in yogicity?  Well, lots of things…Yogicity describes a group of people that obviously practice yoga (bedroom yogis included).  But it’s much more than this…this group: Tries to be yogic and act in the ways of a yogi to whatever degree feels right for them
  • Is health conscious and actually enjoy being healthy
  • Just want to be on a deserted beach doing yoga
  • Exercise because it’s good for wellbeing and gets them in the zone, not to look good in a mini skirt
  • Love diversity off ALL kinds
  • Are authentic and true to self
  • Care about stuff that actually matters

I have just described myself to a point or a best version of myself. 

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